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Association of Administrative Professionals NZ Inc


Key dates for Certification:
21 March Certification & Provisional Certification applications due
1 April re-Certification applications due 


Members need to achieve in the following three areas to gain Certification:

  1. Formal learning (a formal qualification at Level 5 or above)
  2. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (125 CPD points achieved over the previous 5 years  NB: unless specified otherwise 5 pt = 1 hr CPD)
  3. Work history (1200 hours in an administrative role over the previous 3 years


Provisional Certification is an interim step to Certification and may be achieved when the formal qualification you hold is a Level 4 certificate. All the other criteria of CPD and work history are the same.  Upgrading to full Certification, once a Level 5 qualification has been achieved, can be done at the same time of the two yearly renewals.


Once you have achieved Certification, you need to maintain it—this process is called Certification Renewal.

Certification Renewal is required every two years.

There are two requirements for renewal:

  1. Continue working at least 400 hours a year for each of the 2 years.
  2. 40 CPD points (approx. 8 hours) over the 2 years.

For further information contact the Professional Development Team

If you hold Provisional Certification this also must be renewed Two-Yearly.  If you have since gained a higher level qualification and wish to upgrade to Certification you can do this at the time of renewal.

For further information, contact the AdmiNZ Professional Development Team at  

To apply for Certification, Provisional Certification, Certification Renewal or Provisional Certification upgrade please select the item below. Once you have paid the application fee, you will receive a copy of the application form to be completed as part of the application process.

PO Box 5431

Lambton Quay

Wellington 6145