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Association of Administrative Professionals NZ Inc

AdmiNZ Manawatu - Give your Meetings the X Factor!

  • 13 Oct 2021
  • 5:30 PM
  • THINK Hauroa, 200 Broadway Avenue

AdmiNZ Manawatu Group Event
Wednesday 13 October

@ THINK Hauroa, 200 Broadway Avenue, Palmerston North

Nibbles and drinks (including wine) will be served

Give Your Meetings the X Factor!
Using Agile methods with Leith Haarhoff and Sharon Grant

Members - $10
Non-members - $10 (your second meeting will be free if you become a member)

How much time do you spend in meetings?  Chances are, you spend more time in meetings than you spend out of them. So it’s really important that the meetings, and the attendees, add value.  Come along to our next Agile session where you will learn some practical tools that you can use straight away to make the meetings you are involved in awesome!  This is a practical workshop where you will experience what it’s like to be in a highly productive meeting where everyone’s voice is heard and everyone contributes fully.

Please rsvp to by Monday 11 October at 12.00 noon

About Sharon Grant
Sharon is an experienced facilitator and trainer who uses Agile as a coaching tool to enhance team productivity, collaboration and customer service delivery.  Sharon’s background is in Human Resources Management and she also has leadership experience within corporate support, community services and emergency management.  Sharon has 16 years local government experience, and has also worked in health, education and consulting. She is a Chartered Fellow of Human Resources New Zealand (HRNZ) and has served a term on the HRNZ Board where she held the role of National Vice President.   

About Leith Haarhoff
Leith is a certified agile team facilitator with 12 years experience in local  government. He has also worked in education and heritage as a people manager, strategist and project lead. Leith has a depth of experience in digitisation and online projects.

PO Box 5431

Lambton Quay

Wellington 6145


All prices quoted include GST (15%) and Admin Fee (3%)